Manuscripts are accepted by e-mail to: . The editorial board confirms receipt of the manuscripts. Any questions, comments, requests that arise during the publication of the article should be addressed to the editor by e-mail.

Original texts ranging from 0.5 to 1 pp.l. (from 20,000 to 40,000 characters with spaces) are accepted for consideration. Reviews up to 0.25 pp.l.

The format of the provided files is Microsoft Word (extension *.doc, *.docx); Format – A4, font size – 14; typeface – Times New Roman; line spacing – 1; margins – 2 cm on all sides; paragraph indentation – 1.25.

All articles are checked in the “Anti-Plagiarism” system and mandatory review in the editorial board of the journal. The interaction of authors and reviewers is carried out by e-mail only through editorial staff.

The editorial board reserves the right to reduce the volume of the material and its literary editing.