The editorial ethics of the scientific journal “Russian Philology and National Culture” is based on the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications developed by the Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications, as well as on the experience of reputable international journals and publishers.

Responsibilities of authors:

  • to provide reliable results of the work done, to ensure the relevance, scientific novelty of the materials submitted to the editorial office;
  • to make sure that the submitted work is completely original, in case of using the works or statements of other authors, appropriate bibliographic references to the original source should be provided (the originality of the publication should be at least 80%);
  • to provide, at the request of the editorial board, if necessary, raw data relevant to the manuscript; to preserve this data for an adequate period of time after publication;
  • to include authors only those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution or interpretation of the reported study (not allowed to offer the manuscripts, written in collaboration “PhD student – supervisor and doctoral student and research Advisor”);
  • do not submit for consideration in the revision of a previously published article; at the same time, or to suggest material for publication in more than one publication;
  • do not allow plagiarism in all its forms (presentation of someone else’s work as author’s, excessive citation, hidden citation, retelling, paraphrasing parts of other people’s works, etc.); do not allow excessive self-citation, friendly citation and irrelevant references;
  • indicate sources of funding, disclose financial or other existing conflicts of interest in the manuscripts (consulting, receiving fees, providing expert opinions, grants and other financial support), which may be perceived as having influenced the results or conclusions presented in the work;
  • to answer the reviewer’s questions professionally and in the shortest possible time, to cooperate promptly with the editors if necessary to edit or shorten the work;
  • immediately inform the editorial board in case of significant errors or inaccuracies in the publication and interact with the editorial board in order to correct errors as soon as possible.

Responsibilities of reviewers:

  • to give an objective assessment of the submitted manuscript, which can help the authors to improve it; to express their opinion clearly and argumentatively, not to allow personal criticism of the author, refraining from humiliating comments;
  • to identify significant published works that correspond to the topic and are not included in the bibliography of the manuscript, to draw the editor’s attention to the detection of significant similarities or coincidences between the manuscript under consideration and any other published work that is within the scientific competence of the reviewer;
  • agree to review only those manuscripts for the evaluation of which he has sufficient knowledge and which he can review in a timely manner, notify the editor of the journal in case of insufficient scientific or professional competence for an objective assessment of the materials sent;
  • have no conflict of interest in relation to the reviewed material and its author/authors.
  • to treat any manuscript received for review as a confidential document, not to provide it for review to other persons and not to use the unpublished data contained in it in their own research or for personal gain;
  • comply with the regulatory review deadlines set by the editorial board;
  • do not contact the authors directly without the prior permission of the journal.

Duties of editors:

  • when making a decision on publication, be guided by the reliability of the data presentation and the scientific significance of the work under consideration;
  • not to give preference to authors depending on gender, race, religious beliefs, citizenship, ethnicity, political beliefs and other conditions;
  • to observe copyright, respect and correct attitude to the author and his scientific aspirations, not to impose his scientific ideas, to process materials in good faith and coordinate editorial edits with the authors;
  • to be responsible for the acceptance or rejection of the article; to prevent the publication of materials that have no scientific value, do not correspond to the profile of the journal, contradict its editorial policy and ethics;
  • make decisions about publications, taking into account the conclusions of reviewers;
  • ensure the involvement of competent reviewers, use the practice of double (blind) reviewing;
  • do not allow information to be published if there are sufficient grounds to believe that it is plagiarism;
  • do not disseminate information about the manuscripts sent to the editorial office before their publication in the journal, except for the authors, reviewers, possible reviewers, other scientific consultants and the publisher;
  • take into account possible conflicts of interest between participants in the process of preparing the manuscript;
  • provide the author with the opportunity to finalize the manuscript in accordance with the recommendations of the editorial board and the reviewer;
  • cooperate with authors and readers, publishing corrections, clarifications, refutations and apologies if necessary.